Search our Census Records

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  1. Birth Place

    We are commencing development of the birth place search feature in the light of your feedback in the Birth Place survey. Our volunteers and developers have already undertaken extensive work to improve the quality of information about the place of birth that we hold, so that the ‘type what you see’ place of birth can be searched more meaningfully.

Census location & year

Filters are applied to the results of a search. (Spreadsheets users will be familiar with the process). We suggest running a search without any filters to get a large set of results (e.g. 3-400); Select the Revise Search button, select your filters and then Search again. Please read the Help carefully BEFORE using the Marital Status, Occupation and Disabled filters.

  1. Search times are limited to 100 seconds.
    Please do not restart the search once it is working as this will actually slow the process.
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